Safety Planning

Instructions: Review each element and check whether or how often it applies, using the scale Always/Yes, Sometimes, Never/No, Need more information


Our investigators rely on multiple sources of information and tools in a team or interdisciplinary setting in making decisions about danger and safety.

Our investigation process identifies and accounts for the dynamics of domestic violence, including distinctions between:

  • Abuse by a spouse or partner
  • Abuse by other family members

We recognize and reinforce that leaving or otherwise ending the relationship with a perpetrator of elder abuse is a complex decision for a victim that does not necessarily guarantee safety.

Victim safety is a priority over any inquiry into or reporting of immigration status.

Process and components

On-scene and emergency safety planning explores and accounts for tactics of ongoing abuse.

In talking with victims, we use common language and avoid professional or technical jargon and terms.

When an arrest has not been made, our officers explain to the victim why and what will happen next.

At the conclusion of the initial call or investigation, our officers provide a victim with information about specific community services that can provide help and support, such as aging network services and domestic violence or sexual assault programs.

At the conclusion of the initial call or investigation, our officers encourage the victim to call 911 if she/he is abused again or feels threatened or fearful.

If requested by the victim, at the conclusion of the initial call or investigation our officers contact an advocate to assist with ongoing and long-term safety planning.

If applicable under mandatory reporting laws, our officers contact adult protective services (APS).

Our officers initiate emergency protection orders (if authorized by law) or make referrals to advocacy services that can assist with protection orders.

If authorized by law, we remove firearms from perpetrators of elder abuse.

We respond to and enforce violations of protection orders in elder abuse cases.

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Additional Resources