The Virginia Memory Project


The Virginia Memory Project is a survey for all adults in Virginia about brain health, memory and caregiving. It is the first expansive web-based brain health registry in the Commonwealth. Your answers will help policymakers and public health workers prioritize resources for people with memory loss and caregivers in Virginia. Learn more about the project.


Alzheimer's and Related Diseases in Virginia - Some Statistics

  • According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 190,000 people aged 65 and older have Alzheimer’s within the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  • As of 2021, there are 351,000 unpaid caregivers.
  • 40% of people in Virginia diagnosed with ADRD are diagnosed with “unspecified dementia.
  • Learn more on our Data page.

How the Project Works:

  • Take the quick survey
  • We keep your answers anonymous, and discover where more government funding is needed.
  • Caregiving and brain health support provided upon request.

VMP in the News

For the Media

The VMP Media Kit contains ads, issue briefs, infographics, logos, and other information about the work of the VMP. To access, click the following link, and a zip file will download to your computer.   VMP Media Kit (zip file)

Join today!

This survey is supported by the Virginia Department of Health, Office of Family Health Services. #709CF220023.