Abuse in Later Life - Our Abuse in Later Life Program tackles the issue of abuse of adults 50 and older by bringing together professionals from such diverse fields as law enforcement, victim advocacy, social services, the faith community, criminal justice, housing, healthcare, aging services, and more. By working collaboratively, we can put the pieces together to see and address the whole story--the whole person--the whole system and to improve the lives of victims of abuse in later life.
Alter Dementia - Faith-based communities are important sources for providing health related information and offering connections to services, particularly for African Americans. Historically, churches have been a safe haven for African American families; however, many churches do not currently have programs to support families/congregants living with dementia. Alter assists faith-based communities in meeting the needs of these families and in becoming a viable resource for them.
Lifelong Learning Institute - The Lifelong Learning Institute in Chesterfield is a member-supported organization designed to meet the educational and social enrichment needs of adults age 50 and "better." The Institute is a learning community of peers who are committed to ongoing education and their own intellectual development.
Senior Mentoring - Senior Mentoring is a conjoined program between Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Medicine and the Virginia Center on Aging. By pairing first-year medical students with community-dwelling older adults (65+) within the state of Virginia, the program is intended to provide older adults an opportunity to positively influence the ability of future physicians to provide medical care to older adults in a compassionate way and to help end negative stereotypes about aging.
Virginia Memory Project - The Virginia Memory Project is a survey for all adults in Virginia about brain health, memory and caregiving. It is the first expansive web-based brain health registry in the Commonwealth. Your answers will help policymakers and public health workers prioritize resources for people with memory loss and caregivers in Virginia.
Virginia Long-Term Care Clinician Network - The Virginia Long-Term Care Clinician Network (LTC-CN) brings together medical directors and clinicians practicing in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other congregate care settings, such as Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). It provides a monthly forum for peer discussions and ensures access to the latest clinical COVID-19 care guidelines.