Geriatric Training and Education (GTE) Initiative



The General Assembly of Virginia has appropriated funds to continue the Geriatric Training and Education (GTE) initiative. These funds are intended to develop the skills and capacities of the gerontological and geriatric workforce. The General Assembly has designated the Virginia Center on Aging at Virginia Commonwealth University as administrator of the GTE appropriation. In order to put these GTE monies to their most effective and prudent use, we are issuing a Request for Proposals from Virginia institutions of higher education, community-based organizations, and other not-for-profit groups with a strong history of adult and aging-related experience. The number of awards that will be made depends upon the availability of funds. 


Delegate Jack Reid, the sponsor of the budget bill amendment in the 2006 session that launched this initiative, stated the purpose of this annual General Fund (GF) appropriation as: to continue geriatric education and training across Virginia for a wide range of professionals, including medicine, pharmacy, nursing, dentistry, and allied health, and for a variety of levels of service providers, from nursing aides and assistants in home care and long-term institutions, to clinicians in practice and instructors in higher education, …with the appropriation to be administered by the Virginia Center on Aging at Virginia Commonwealth University. These GF monies allowed the Commonwealth to continue support of the Geriatric Academic Career Award (GACA), which assists physicians in their training to become geriatric educators and researchers and to continue and expand the thrust of the former Virginia Geriatric Education Center (VGEC), which ceased operations in 2007. (A new VGEC began operations in 2010 with a federally mandated focus of interprofessional education and training.) While the focus of the VGEC is required by federal funding to be exclusively upon professional level training, GTE monies are not so constrained, and may be used, as stated in the bill’s language, for a variety of levels of service providers, including professionals, nursing assistants, and others who have direct contact providing services to older Virginians. 

Applying for a GTE Grant 

We invite written proposals that:

  1. Address a variety of conditions, needs, or issues related to the health and well-being of older Virginians
  2. Describe projects that can be successfully completed in full within the fiscal year. 
  3. Specify a clear purpose, appropriate methods, achievable outcomes, and relevant evaluation measures
  4. Have broad geographic impact and/or the prospect of such impact
  5. Are concise, being described clearly in approximately five (5) to nine (9) pages of narrative
  6. Can be realistically accomplished through prudent budgeting, partnerships, and other creative cost-saving measures.
  7. Request GTE support in amounts from $1,000 to $25,000.
  8. Must be completed within one year of the start date.


Applications are now closed for GTE awards. We anticipate a request for proposals opening in Fall of 2025.  Any updates regarding funding allocation will be posted here.

Nex application deadline: October 1, 2024. We will make awards until such time as the appropriation from the General Assembly has been fully allocated to successful applicants. We require electronic submissions, with scanned signatures, which must be received by 11:59 p.m. on the deadline date.  If you have any questions about the application, contact Bert Waters at

Virginia institutions of higher education, community-based organizations, and other not-for-profit groups with a strong history of adult and aging-related experience may apply for GTE funds. The organization with which the project director is affiliated is fiscally responsible for the award, and its authorized official, e.g., chief executive officer or institutional grants administrator, must sign the application.

Applicants should submit a proposal of five to nine pages of narrative. The proposal narrative should contain separate sections that specify:

a) Purpose of the project, including the need being addressed and the intended beneficiaries of, or participants in, the project’s training or education; 
b) Methods or procedures that the project will employ to address the need, specifically the project’s objectives and related action steps; 
c) Outcomes of the training or education, such as the numbers to be trained, and the impact of the project in terms of the benefits to be measured; 
d) A timetable for completing project activities; 
e) Appropriateness for funding by the GTE; and
f) Evaluation Measures that demonstrate the impact of the project, specifically, how well the outcomes and objectives have been met. To assure that all GTE-funded initiatives are accomplishing their intended purposes, projects should include a detailed evaluation plan, with appropriate process and outcome measures. Proposals should specify the measures to be used to document program implementation (actual program functioning and barriers encountered), as well as measures that track the impact or effectiveness of a program. In addition, awarded projects must collect GTE Demographics Survey Form from participants.

Applicants may add up to five (5) pages of letters of support or other appendices. In no case may an application exceed a total of 14 pages, including both narrative and appendices. Longer applications will not be considered.

GTE funds are intended for training or education initiatives that can be completed within one year of the start date. Applications for training projects, conferences, or similar educational programs are appropriate. 

Submit Application Here

Applicants may seek GTE awards in any amount from $1,000 to $25,000, as long as this request is justified. The budget may include items such as personnel, fringe, supplies, travel within Virginia, etc. Applicants are encouraged to provide matching or in-kind funds in order to maximize the impact of projects that receive GTE awards. Applicant organizations must have purchasing, personnel, and other business practices that are consistent with federal and Virginia laws regarding equal opportunity and proper accounting for the expenditure of funds.

Proposals will be reviewed by the Virginia Center on Aging, as the GTE administrator, and by external peer reviewers. Each proposal will be assigned to at least two independent external reviewers. All reviewers will provide numerical scores and commentary reflective of the review criteria.

The criteria for review are as follows:

1. Clarity and significance of the proposed project 
2. Consistency of the proposed project with the purposes of the GTE initiative 
3. Adequacy and clarity of the methodology and design, including its plan for evaluation 
4. Qualifications of the project’s team, with respect to background and training, and organizational capacity 
5. Appropriateness of the project’s budget.

To facilitate the review, applicants should include a budget justification that explains the request for budget lines and specifies the roles and responsibilities of each person participating directly in the project. In addition, applicants should include in the appendix: biographical sketches (2 pages maximum) for the salient project team members and a statement of organizational capacity.

Applicants are also expected to provide information about any currently active or pending support from grants or contracts that have any overlap with the currently proposed project.

We intend to complete reviews of applications within 30 days of each application deadline. We will make every effort to do so and to assist applicants, after proposals have been submitted and reviewed, to understand recommended revisions. Prudent administration of these monies is essential.

Conflict of Interest 

Members of the Virginia Center on Aging will be pleased to assist or advise prospective applicants regarding the purpose of these GTE funds or the application process. However, we cannot participate as members of the applicant’s proposal development or project implementation team.

Project Reporting

We require a full, written electronic Final Report of project activities and outcomes. This Final Report is due 90 days after the completion of the project award period. This Final Report must include an electronic one-page summary suitable for dissemination to members of the General Assembly. Data that will facilitate final reporting should be collected so that awardees will be able to describe the target population served by each program, the level and scope of program services or resources provided to the target population, how well the program is providing those services or resources, and the impact of the services or resources on the target population. In order to evaluate this project for the General Assembly of Virginia, we require everyone who receives training with funds associated with the Virginia Geriatric Training and Education (GTE) initiative to complete the GTE Demographics Survey Form.


It is our intent to reinforce the commitment of the General Assembly’s members to geriatric and geriatric training and education. Therefore, we request that all published journal articles, monographs, or other special reports based on projects supported by these GTE monies carry a standard footnote acknowledging that the work was supported in part by the Geriatric Training and Education (GTE) initiative of the Virginia General Assembly. The Virginia Center on Aging would welcome a copy of any such publications made possible by these GTE funds.

The Virginia Center on Aging would be pleased to answer inquiries about the GTE initiative. For further information, you may email Bert Waters at

GTE Applicants are encouraged to review past awards as it can help them in shaping their own applications. Funded projects are listed in the drop down tabs below.

Past Awards

These videos and news stories highlight programs that were partially funded by GTE grants. 

Tidewater Arts Outreach (TAO)

TAO created two training videos:
Music and Movement for Elders with Dementia
Singing for Elder Health and Wellness

PALETTE: An Intergenerational Art Program 

PALETTE brought together 20 VCU dance students and allied health students who will be working with older adults when they finish their studies with 10 older adults for a 10-week series of dance classes.  To learn more about this innovative project, read this news story on the VCU News site or watch this fun video of the class.

(18-1) Virginia Pharmacy Association: Collaborative Relationships and Partnerships in the Geriatric Workforce across Virginia: A Proposal to Offer Focused Conference Engagement to Virginia’s Area Agencies on Aging. Richmond, VA.

(18-2) Commonwealth Council on Aging: Addressing Awareness of Older Adult Malnutrition and Food Insecurity among the Virginia Geriatric and Gerontological Workforce. Henrico, VA.

(18-3) Radford University: Enhancing Geriatric Care Competency: A Virtual Reality Continuing Education Program for Social Workers. Radford, VA.

(18-4) Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia: Senior Services Age-Informed Training Program Adopting an Age-Informed Lens: Training Homeless Continuum of Care Partners on Best Practices in Working with the Older Adult Homeless Population. Norfolk, VA.

(18-5) VCU School of Pharmacy: Educational Interventions to Improve Care for People with Parkinson's Disease. Richmond, VA.

(18-6) VCU School of Nursing: A Prescription Produce Plan to Address Food Insecurity among Low-Income Older Adults. Richmond, VA.

(17-1) Aging Together: Dementia Educational Conference for Healthcare Professionals and Family Caregivers. Culpeper, VA.

(17-2) Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health: Linking with Partners in the Middle Peninsula and Eastern Shore: Addressing Social Determinants of Health through Memory Care Programs. Williamsburg, VA.

(17-3) Tidewater Arts Outreach. Artist in Your Pocket Project. Norfolk, VA.

(17-4) UVA: Collaborative Relationships and Partnerships in the Geriatric Workforce across Virginia: A Proposal to Offer Focused Conference Engagement to Virginia’s Area Agencies on Aging. Charlottesville, VA.

(17-5) Eastern Virginia Medical School: Aligning Care with What Matters Most to Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions: A Standardized Patient Activity. Norfolk, VA.

(17-6) Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services: Virginia Dementia Capable Summit: Building an Inclusive Dementia State Plan. Henrico, VA.

(17-7) Honoring Choices Virginia: Proposal to Support Advance Care Planning for Mental Health. Richmond, VA.

(17-7) Senior Connections: Thelma Bland Watson Person Centered Personal Care Aide School. Richmond, VA.

(17-9) Piedmont Geriatric Hospital: Piedmont Geriatric Hospital Clinical Training Bootcamp. Burkeville, VA.

(17-10) Companion Extraordinaire Nursing Network: Latino Personal Aid Course. Ashland, VA.

Spring 2021-2022

(15-1) Senior Connections: Person-Centered PCA School Program. Richmond, VA.

(15-2) Aging Together: Dementia Education Conference for Healthcare Professionals and Family Caregivers. Culpeper, VA.

(15-3) Honoring Choices VA: Proposal to Support Advance Care Planning Professional Learning Series and Expanding Organizational Capacity to Provide ACP Implementation. Richmond, VA.

(15-4) Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health: Self-Compassion and Dementia Care: Enhancing Approaches for Virginia’s Caregiver Support Group. Williamsburg, VA.

(15-5) Capital Caring: Proposal for Support of the Respecting Choices Advances Steps & the Virginia POST Collaborative Facilitator Training Programs. Falls Church, VA.

Fall 2021-2022

(16-1) VCU School of Pharmacy: Enhancing Continence Care Education Across Health Professions Programs. Richmond, VA.

(16-2) Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health: Workforce Training to Enhance Memory Care through Equine-Assisted Learning. Williamsburg, VA.

(16-3). RAPP at Home: Mental Health First Aid for Certified Nursing Assistants and Other Caregivers. Washington, VA.

(16-4) Marymount: Sustaining Health Promotion Evidence-Based Programs (EBPs) for Older Adults: Standing the Test of Time! Arlington, VA.


  1. (14-1) The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Corporation: Central Virginia Transitions Care Training Series. Charlottesville, VA.
  2. (14-2) Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services: Expanding Dealing with Dementia, A Geriatric Training and Education Initiative, Richmond, VA.
  3. (14-3) Honoring Choices Virginia: Proposal to Expand Advance Care Planning Learning Series, Richmond, VA.
  4. (14-4) Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health: Dissemination of Microlearning 52 Person-Centered Dementia Care Course to Virginia’s Aging Services Staff, Williamsburg, VA.
  5. (14-5) Aging Together: Expanding Dementia Caregiver Training for Central Virginia, Culpepper, VA.
  6. (14-6) Virginia Geriatrics Society: Virginia Community Provider Geriatric Education Scholarships, Richmond VA.
  1. (13-1) New River Valley Area Agency on Aging: The Natural Next Step: Developing Multimedia Workshop Materials for the Aging in Place Workshop. Pulaski, VA.
  2. (13-2) The Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health (CEALH) Mental Health and Aging Training Initiative - Part VIII, Williamsburg, VA.
  3. (13-3) Arlington Community Foundation Advance Care Planning Workshops and Facilitator Training in Arlington, VA. Arlington, VA.
  4. (13-4) SeniorNavigator Promoting Caregiver Health through Interdisciplinary Education and Innovation. Richmond, VA.
  5. (13-5) Virginia Geriatrics Society: Virginia Community Provider Geriatric Education Scholarships, Richmond VA.
  6. (13-6) Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Pharmacy Prioritizing Urinary Incontinence for Current and Future Healthcare Professionals, Richmond, VA.
  7. (13-7) George Mason University Older Adults and Suicide: Knowledge, Skills, and Strategies for Awareness and Prevention, Fairfax, VA.
  8. (13-8) Commonwealth of Virginia, Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services Sustaining FAMILIES: A Geriatrics Training and Education Initiative, Richmond, VA.
  9. (13-9) Aging Together Caregiver Training on Dementia Care for Central Virginia by Teepa Snow, Culpepper, VA.
  10. (13-10) Honoring Choices Virginia Advanced Facilitator Series: Understanding and Helping Patients Navigate Cultural, Religious, and Personal Barriers to Engaging in Advance Care Planning, Richmond, VA.
  11. (13-11) Substance Use Disorder: Educating Healthcare Providers, Caregivers and the Community. Quirk Media Group, Richmond VA.
  1. (12-1) The Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health: Expansion of "Caring For You, Caring For Me" in Richmond and Northern Virginia, Williamsburg, VA.
  2. (12-2) SeniorNavigator: Promoting Caregiver Health through Interdisciplinary Education and Innovation, Richmond, VA.
  3. (12-3) Aging Together: Helping Throughout the Journey of Dementia: Understanding Progression and Providing the Best Care, Culpepper, VA.
  4. (12-4) Arlington Community Foundation: Advance Care Planning Workshops and Facilitator Training in Arlington, VA, Arlington, VA.
  5. (12-5) Honoring Choices Virginia: Designing Person-Centered ACP Education for Providers and Providers-in-Training, Richmond, VA.
  6. (12-6) VCU School of Pharmacy: PALETTE at VCU, Richmond, VA.
  7. (12-7) The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Corporation: Central Virginia Transitions Care Training Series. Charlottesville, VA.
  8. (12-8) Alzheimer's Association, Central and Western Virginia Chapter: Person-Centered Dementia Care: A One-Day Conference in the underserved Danville Region, Charlottesville, VA.
  9. (12-9) Capital Caring: The Virginia POST Collaborative Facilitator Training Course: Moving Beyond the "Alternative Curriculum" Designation, Falls Church, VA.
  10. (12-10) George Mason University: A Web-based Training Program for Direct Care Workers in Long-term Care Communities: Providing Knowledge and Skills to Implement a Music and Memory Intervention, Arlington, VA.
  11. (12-11) Virginia Geriatrics Society: Virginia Community Provider Geriatric Education Scholarships, Richmond VA.
  12. (12-12) VCU Health: Tools and Strategies for Successful Deprescribing, Richmond, VA.
  1. (11-1) The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Corporation: Central Virginia Transitions of Care Training Series. Charlottesville, VA.  
  2. (11-2) Virginia Geriatrics Society: Virginia Community Provider Geriatric Education Scholarships, Richmond VA.
  3. (11-3) Senior Connections: Expanding the Footprint: Migrating an Award-Winning Advance Care Medical Planning Model to a Broader Array of Ethnic and Faith Communities. Richmond, VA.
  4. (11-4) Arlington Community Foundation: Advance Care Planning Education and Skill-Building Workshops in Arlington, VA.
  5. (11-5) Palliative Care Partnership of the Roanoke Valley (PCPRV) The 3-R's of Advance Care Planning Navigation, A Training for Care Managers, Community Health Workers and Clergy/Health Ministries. Roanoke, VA.
  6. (11-6) Visual Arts Center of Richmond: Training Artist Educators to Lead Creative Aging. Richmond, VA.
  7. (11-7) Alzheimer's Association, Central and Western Virginia Chapter Creative Expressions in Dementia Care: A one-day training workshop for sustainability of arts programming in four (4) rural regions. Charlottesville, VA.
  8. (11-8) The Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health: Training Geriatric Workforce in the Benefits of Therapeutic Horsemanship for Better Dementia Care. Williamsburg, VA.
  9. (11-9) The Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health: Mental Health and Aging Training Initiative Part VI. Williamsburg, VA.
  10. (11-10) Lucy Corr Foundation: A Peer Interdisciplinary Educational Training Approach to Oral Health Care for Direct Care Providers, Chesterfield, VA.
  11. (11-11) Capital Caring: Building Upon the Success of the Alternative Curriculum for Virginia POST Facilitator Certification. Falls Church, VA.
  12. (11-12) Honoring Choices Virginia: Engaging the Greater Richmond Community in Advance Care Planning for Older Adults. Richmond, VA.
  13. (11-13) George Mason University: Advance Care Planning in Medicare/Medicaid Funded Agencies: A Culturally Competent Training. Arlington, VA.
  1. (10-1) Alzheimer’s Association, Central and Western Virginia Chapter: Person‐Centered Dementia Care: A one‐day educational training conference in 3 Locations. Charlottesville, VA.
  2. (10-2) Aging Together: Why don’t you understand? Positive strategies for dementia support. Culpepper, VA
  3. (10-3) Capital Caring: Building upon the success of the Virginia POST Program: An alternative curriculum for Virginia POST. Fredericksburg, VA
  4. (10-4) Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Social Work: The Geriatrics, Gerontology, and Interprofessional (GGI) education module: Preparing social work students for an aging society. Richmond, VA
  5. (10-5) Weinstein Jewish Community Center: Promoting Art for Life Enrichment through Transgenerational Engagement: PALETTE. Richmond, VA.
  6. (10-6) Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine. Empowering Dementia Caregivers with the Tools of Improvisational Theater. Richmond, VA
  7. (10-7) The Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health: Mental Health and Aging Training Initiative – Part V. Williamsburg, VA.
  8. (10-8) Senior Navigator: Promoting Caregiver Health through Interdisciplinary Education and Innovation. Richmond, VA.
  9. (10-9) Southwest Virginia Westminster Canterbury, Creating a Dementia-inclusive Community: Developing greater awareness and knowledge of person-centered dementia care in the Shenandoah Valley. Charlottesville, VA.
  10. (10-10) Tidewater Arts Outreach, Arts Learning Impacts Virginia's Elders. Norfolk, VA.
  11. (10-11) The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Corporation: Central Virginia Transitions of Care Training Series. Charlottesville, VA.
  12. (10-12) University of Virginia, School of Nursing, Building Relationships and Partnerships in the Geriatric Workforce across Virginia: A proposal to offer conference scholarships. Charlottesville, VA.
  13. (10-13)Virginia Geriatrics Society: Virginia Community Provider Geriatric Education Scholarships, Richmond VA.
  14. (10-14) Virginia Coalition for Prevention of Elder Abuse: Conference Support for 22nd Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA.
  1. (09-1) Roanoke Valley End of Life Care Partnership: POST Training and Education of Attorneys, Physicians, Advance Care Planning Facilitators and Advance Care Planning Training Faculty in Virginia. Roanoke, VA.
  2. (09-2) New River Valley Agency on Aging: Home Matters: Housing our Aging Population in the New River Valley A geriatric Workforce & Leadership Training Workshop. Pulaski, VA
  3. (09-3) Virginia Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse: Educating Professionals about Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation in Virginia: A Proposal to Offer Conference Scholarships. Virginia Beach, VA.
  4. (09-4) Sadie Rubin/Weinstein Jewish Community Center: Promoting Art for Life Enrichment through Transgenerational Engagement. Palette. Richmond VA.
  5. (09-5) Virginia Geriatrics Society: Virginia Community Provider Geriatric Education Scholarships, Richmond VA.
  6. (09-6) Alzheimer’s Association, Central and Western Virginia Chapter: Person‐Centered Dementia Care: A One‐Day Educational Training Conference in 3 Locations. Charlottesville, VA. 
  7. (09-7) The Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Richmond Chapter: Person-Centered Training for Professionals Working with Persons with Dementia. Richmond, VA.
  8. (09-8) The Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health: Mental Health and Aging Training Initiative – Part IV. Williamsburg, VA.
  9. (09-9) Virginia Tech: Curriculum development and delivery of evidence-based training: Intergenerational strategies to improve geriatric care in the Commonwealth. Christiansburg VA. 
  10. (09-10) Kin and Kids Consulting: Train the Trainer Programs for Professional Caregivers Education and Support Programs. Virginia Beach, VA 
  11. (09-11) George Mason University: Alzheimer’s Supplemental Conference for the Virginia Geriatric Education Center. Fairfax, VA. 
  12. (09-12) Virginia Coalition for Prevention of Elder Abuse: Conference Support for 21st Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA. 
  1. (08-1) Senior Connections, the Capital Area Agency on Aging A Faith-Based Strategy to Increase Spiritual Permission and Cultural Trust Concerning Advance Care Planning within an African American Elder group. Richmond, VA
  2. (08-2) Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Pharmacy: Geriatric Principles for Appropriate Care: A Pharmacy Continuing Education Proposal. Richmond, VA.
  3. (08-3) The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Corporation: Central Virginia Transitions of Care Training Series. Charlottesville, VA.
  4. (08-4) Roanoke Valley End of Life Care Partnership: Training and Education in the Implementation of POST Pilot Projects and POST Physician Education and Advance Care Planning Faculty Training in Designated Areas of Virginia.  Roanoke, VA.
  5. (08-5) Sadie Rubin/Weinstein Jewish Community Center: Intergenerational Art Education Project. Richmond VA.
  6. (08-6) CMG Foundation: Training of Mediators and Community Education, Richmond, VA.
  7. (08-7) Lucy Corr Foundation: An Interdisciplinary Educational Approach Addressing Funding Barrier Preventing the Provision of Dental Care
    to Long Term Care Residents on Medicaid. Chesterfield, VA.
  8. (08-8) The Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health: Mental Health and Aging Training Initiative – Part III. Williamsburg, VA.
  9. (08-9) Alliance for the Prevention and Treatment of Nicotine Addiction: Integrating Effective Cessation Interventions for Older Smokers Into Routine Practice. Norfolk, VA.
  10. (08-10) The Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Richmond Chapter: Creative, Person-Centered Training for Professionals Working with Persons with Dementia. Richmond, VA.
  11. (08-11) Virginia Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse: Educating Professionals about Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation in Virginia: A Proposal to Offer Conference Scholarships. Virginia Beach, VA.
  12. (08-12) The Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services: The Other Dementias: Virtual Training and Active Learning on Non-Alzheimer’s Dementias. Richmond, VA.
  13. (08-13) Lucy Corr Foundation: Geriatric Health Training of Nursing Staff in the Nursing Home Setting and Promotion of Health Literacy in Older Adults.. Chesterfield, VA.
  14. (08-14) Virginia Geriatrics Society: Virginia Community Provider Geriatric Education Scholarships, Richmond VA.
  15. (08-15) George Mason University: Dementia, Depression, Delirium: Managing the Three Ds in Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions. Fairfax, VA.
  1. (07-1) Alliance for the Prevention and Treatment of Nicotine Addiction: Integrating Effective Cessation Interventions for Older Smokers. Norfolk, VA.
  2. (07-2) Roanoke Valley End of Life Care Partnership: Training and Education in the Implementation of POST Pilot Projects and POST Advance Care Planning Facilitation in Designated Areas of Virginia Roanoke, VA.
  3. (07-3) Virginia Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse: Educating Professionals about Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation in Virginia: A Proposal to offer Conference Scholarships. Virginia Beach, VA.
  4. (07-4) Lucy Corr Foundation: A Peer Interdisciplinary Educational Training Approach to Oral Health Care for Direct Care Providers. Chesterfield, VA.
  5. (07-5) Center for Excellence in Aging & Geriatric Health: Mental Health and Aging Training Initiative, Part II. Williamsburg, VA.
  6. (07-6) Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services, Start the Conversation. Culpepper, VA.
  7. (07-7) Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Richmond Chapter:  Creative, Person-Centered Training for the Professionals Working with Persons with Dementia. Richmond, VA.
  8. (07-8) Alzheimer’s Association, Central and Western Virginia Chapter: Rural Outreach: Alzheimer’s Education Training Workshops. Charlottesville, VA.
  9. (07-9) Virginia Geriatrics Society: Virginia Community Provider Geriatric Education Scholarships, Richmond VA.
  10. (07-10) A Grace Place Adult Care Center: Person-Centered Care Training for Direct Care Support Professionals providing Care in Adult Care Services Facilities. Richmond, VA.
  11. (07-11) Virginia Medical Directors Association and the Community Caring for Our Elders: Sixth Annual Senior Care Conference, Charlottesville, VA.
  12. (07-12) Virginia Department for the Aging: Webinar Training for Virginia Home Care Organizations. Richmond, VA.
  13. (07/13) Southwest Virginia Area Health Education Center: Focus on Care for the Older Adult 2013. Tazewell, VA.
  14. (07-14) VCU School of Social Work: Sixth Annual workshops/Webcasts on Aging, Richmond, VA.
  1. (06-1) Alzheimer's Association, Central and Western Virginia Chapter: 10th Annual Alzheimer's Education Conference: Best Practices in Dementia Care, Charlottesville, VA.
  2. (06-2) Alzheimer's Association, National Capital Area Chapter: Conference for Heath Care Professional and Community Open Training, Fairfax, VA.
  3. (06-3) Virginia Department for the Aging: Webinar Training on Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease for the Virginia Professional Caregiver. Richmond, VA.
  4. (06-4) Alliance for the Prevention and Treatment of Nicotine Addiction: Implementing Effective Cessation Interventions for Older Smokers. Norfolk, VA.
  5. (06-5) Roanoke Valley End of Life Care Partnership: Training and Education in the Implementation of the POST Pilot Projects and POST Advance Care Planning Facilitation in Designated Areas of Virginia. Roanoke, VA
  6. (06-6) Virginia Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse: 18th Annual Conference. Virginia Beach, VA.
  7. (06-7) Virginia Medical Directors Association and the Community Partnership for Improved Long-term Care: Fifth Annual Community Senior Care Conference, Charlottesville, VA.
  8. (06-8) Better Housing Coalition: Aging in America Conference Registration, Richmond, VA.
  9. (06-9) Center for Excellence in Aging & Geriatric Health: Mental Health and Aging Training Initiative, Williamsburg, VA.
  10. (06-10) Greater Richmond Chapter, Alzheimer's Association: Training for the Professional through the Eyes of the Person with Dementia. Richmond, VA.
  11. (06-11) Lucy Corr Foundation: Oral Health Care Training of Direct Care Providers and Health Care Professionals, Chesterfield, VA.
  12. (06-12) VCU Department of Gerontology: A Community and Academic Partnership for Training on Depression and Dementia, Richmond, VA.
  13. (06-13) VCU School of Social Work: Fifth Annual workshops on Aging and Update/Revision of Previous Webcasts, Richmond, VA.
  14. (06-14) Virginia Guardianship Association: 2012 VGA/VERC Guardianship/Elder Rights Conference: Proposal for Scholarship Awards, Newport News, VA.
  15. (06-15) Virginia Association of Area Agencies on Aging, operating the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman: Building Quality Care on Good Assessment: Taping and Teaching the Power of the MDS 3.0, Richmond, VA.
  16. (06-16) Senior Connections, The Capitol Area Agency on Aging, Recognizing Alternatives to Guardianship: Personal Choices and Actions to Promote Continued Independence and Minimize the need for Guardian Services, Richmond, VA.
  17. (06-17) Virginia Geriatrics Society: Virginia Community Provider Geriatric Education Scholarships, Richmond VA.
  18. (06-18) Virginia Coalition for Prevention of Elder Abuse: Conference Support for 18th Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA.
  19. (06-19) Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Gerontology and Department of Epidemiology and Community Health: Student Travel Stipends for Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting and Southern Gerontological Society Annual Meeting, Richmond VA.
  1. (05-1) Alzheimer's Association, National Capital Area Chapter: Professional Caregiver Training in Dementia Care, Fairfax, VA.
  2. (05-2) James Madison University: The Life of a Caregiver Simulation Project. Harrisonburg, VA.
  3. (05-3) Legal Aid Justice Center: Working Together: Third Annual Community Conference on Senior Care. Charlottesville, VA.
  4. (05-4) Virginia Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse: Strengthening Professional Competency in the Areas of Elder Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation in Virginia. Virginia Beach, VA.
  5. (05-5) Department of Gerontology, Virginia Commonwealth University. Cultural Competency and Sensitivity Training for Healthcare Professionals Providing Service to the LGBT Aging Population. Richmond, VA.
  6. (05-6) The Center for Excellence in Aging in Geriatric Health: Development of a Gerontological Counselor Training Program. Williamsburg, VA.
  7. (05-7) Alzheimer's Association Greater Richmond Chapter: Dementia Training for Professionals in the Geriatric Work Force. Richmond, VA.
  8. (05-8) Department of Epidemiology and Community Health, Virginia Commonwealth University: Building an Aging-Mobility Network. Richmond, VA.
  9. (05-9) Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services: Understanding Aging with Intellectual Disabilities. Danville, VA.
  10. (05-10) Roanoke Valley End of Life Care Partnership: Training and Education in the Implementation of the POST Pilot Projects and POST Advance Care Planning Facilitation in Designated Areas of Virginia. Roanoke, VA.
  11. (05-11) Alliance for the Prevention and Treatment of Nicotine Addiction: Implementing Effective Cessation Interventions for Older Smokers in Routine Practice. Norfolk, VA.
  12. (05-12) Virginia Commonwealth University School of Social Work: Fourth Annual Workshops on Aging. Richmond, VA.
  13. (05-13) Virginia Department for the Aging: Webinar Training on Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease for the Virginia Professional Caregiver. Richmond, VA.
  14. (05-14) Family Services of Roanoke Valley: Geriatric Training and Education Proposal for Aging Resource Training Center. Roanoke, VA.
  15. (05-15) Virginia Geriatrics Society: Virginia Community Provider Geriatric Education Scholarships, Richmond VA.
  16. (05-16) Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Gerontology: Student Travel Stipends for Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting and Southern Gerontological Society Annual Meeting, Richmond VA.
  17. (05-17) Virginia Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse: 17th Annual Conference. Virginia Beach, VA.
  18. (05-18) The Area Planning and Services Committee (APSC) on Aging with Lifelong Disabilities: Livable Communities: Aging with Lifelong Disabilities conference. Richmond, VA.
  1. (04-1) Legal Justice Aid Center: Working Together: Third Annual Community Conference on Senior Care, Richmond, VA.
  2. (04-2) VCU Department of Geriatric Medicine: Scholarships for non-geriatric healthcare professionals to attend the 2009 Virginia Geriatrics Conference, Richmond, VA.
  3. (04-3) Virginia Association of Nonprofit Homes for the Aging: Statewide Palliative Care Training for Long Term Care Nursing Staff Using End-of-Life, Richmond, VA.
  4. (04-4) The Palliative Care Partnership of the Roanoke Valley: Training and Education in the Use and Implementation of the POST Form, Roanoke, VA.
  5. (04-5) Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services: Aging and Mental Health Training, Danville, VA.
  6. (04-6) The Virginia Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse: Geriatric Training and Education Scholarships, Virginia Beach, VA.
  7. (04-7) Alzheimer´s Association, National Capital Area: Alzheimer´s Association National Capital Area Chapter Request, McLean, VA.
  8. (04-8) The Center for Excellence in Aging and Geriatric Health: Building Aging Competencies: Gerontology Training for Counselors, Williamsburg, VA.
  9. (04-9) Virginia Commonwealth University School of Social Work: Third Annual Four Workshops on Aging, Richmond, VA.
  10. (04-10) Virginia Guardianship Association: VERC/VGA Annual Conference, Richmond, VA.
  11. (04-11) Virginia Association for Home Care and Hospice: Geriatric Training and Education Initiative Application, Richmond, VA.
  12. (04-12) South Central Area Health Education Center: Geriatric Education for Practical Nursing Students, Danville, VA.
  13. (04-13) Virginia Association of Area Agencies on Aging: (Leaders Laying the Foundation for Culture Change, Richmond, VA.
  14. (04-14) Virginia Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse: 16th Annual VCPEA Conference, Virginia Beach, VA.
  15. (04-15) Area Planning and Services Committee on Aging with Lifelong Disabilities: Creative Roads to Inclusion Conference, Richmond, VA.
  1. (03-1) VCU School of Pharmacy: Expanding the Workforce to Provide Medication Therapy Management for Older Adults, Richmond, VA.
  2. (03-2) Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control: Geriatric Alcohol Education, Richmond, VA.
  3. (03-3) Virginia Association of Nonprofit Homes for the Aging: Statewide Palliative Care Training for Long Term Care Nursing Staff Using End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) Geriatric Curriculum, Richmond, VA.
  4. (03-4) Virginia Geriatrics Society: Scholarships for non-geriatric healthcare professionals to attend the 2009 Virginia Geriatrics Conference, Williamsburg, VA.
  5. (03-5) Carilion Center for Healthy Aging: Roanoke Wellness Day 2008, Roanoke, VA.
  6. (03-6) Rappahannock Rural Health Development Center: Rappahannock Geriatric Rural Health Resident Program, Tappahannock, VA.
  7. (03-7) Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services: Aging through a Different Mirror: Intellectual Disabilities, Aging & Dementia, Danville, VA.
  8. (03-8) Southeastern Virginia Chapter, Alzheimer Association: Early Alzheimer´s Support and Education Program (EASE), Norfolk, VA.
  9. (03-9) University of Virginia: Sharing the Challenge: Innovations in Senior Care Conference, Charlottesville, VA.
  10. (03-10) Jefferson Area Board for Aging: JABA In-Service Education and Training Program, Charlottesville, VA.
  11. (03-11) Three Rivers Health District: Three Rivers Active Living Every Day (ALED) Program, Middlesex, VA.
  12. (03-12) Partnership for Nonprofit Excellence: Civic Engagement and Elders: A Symposium to Prepare for the Age Wave by Capturing the Time and Talents of Boomers, Richmond, VA.
  13. (03-13) Alzheimer´s Association, National Capital Area Chapter: Alzheimer´s Association National Capital Area Chapter Geriatric Training and Education (GTE) Initiative Application, McLean, VA.  
  14. (03-14) South Central Area Health Education Center: South Central Nurse Aid Project, Danville, VA.
  15. (03-15) VCU School of Social Work: 2009 Aging Workshops and Webcasts, Richmond, VA.
  16. (03-16) University of Virginia, Institute on Aging: Collaborating to Fight Alzheimer´s Disease: Integrated Approaches to Research, Treatment, and Caregiving, Charlottesville, VA.
  17. (03-17) Senior Connections, The Capital Area Agency on Aging: Training for Geriatric Professionals: Easy Access Website Utilization - A Pilot Project to Facilitate Virginians Accessibility to and Use of Available Resources, Richmond, VA.
  18. (03-18) Barksdale Theater: Geriatric Alcohol Education: Theatrical Presentation, Richmond, VA.
  19. (03-19) Richmond Residential Services (APSC): Workshop: Learn and Live with a Healthy Heart, Richmond, VA.
  20. (03-20) Virginia Guardianship Association: 2009 Joint Conference of the Virginia Guardianship Association and the Virginia Elder Rights Coalition, Richmond, VA.
  21. (03-21) Virginia Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse: 15th Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA.
  22. (03-22) Geriatric Academic Career Award: Catherine Kelso, Richmond, VA.
  1. (02-1) Virginia Health Quality Center: Improving Transitions for Elders: A Communications and Teamwork Project. Glen Allen, VA.
  2. (02-2) Geriatric Academic Career Award: Rex Biedenbender, Norfolk, VA.
  3. (02-3) Mountain Empire Older Citizens Inc.: Teens/Alzheimer's Caregivers/Technology. Big Stone Gap, VA.
  4. (02-4) Virginia Association of Nonprofit Homes for the Aging: Statewide Palliative Care Training for Long Term Care Nursing Staff using End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) Geriatric Curriculum. Glen Allen, VA.
  5. (02-5) Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control: Geriatric Alcohol Education. Richmond, VA.
  6. (02-6) Adult Care Education Center: Alcoholism and Aging: Medication Management Training Online for Nurse Aides. Ruckersville, VA.
  7. (02-7) University of Virginia Health Systems, Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Care: Geriatric Training and Education, UVA Component 2008, Charlottesville, VA.
  8. (02-8) Arthritis Foundation, Virginia Chapter: Exercise Rx. Richmond, VA.
  9. (02-9) Geriatric Academic Career Award: Catherine Kelso, Richmond, VA.
  10. (02-10) Virginia Association of Area Agencies on Aging: Request for Funding to Support Statewide Conference and Follow-up Train-the-Trainer Sessions to Foster Development of Alternatives to Institutional Models of Long-Term Care. Richmond, VA.
  11. (02-11) Geriatric Academic Career Award: Marissa C. Galicia-Castillo, Norfolk, VA.
  12. (02-12) Virginia Commonwealth School of Pharmacy: Medication Therapy Management in Older Patients A Pharmacy Continuing Education Proposal. Richmond, VA.