Our team

Courtney O’Hara, MS

Assistant Director

Abuse in Later Life Project

Email: cdohara@vcu.edu

Courtney O’Hara is the Project Manager for the Central Virginia’s Task Force on Domestic Violence in Later Life, a part of the Virginia Center on Aging at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. A local partnership of organizations working since 1998 to raise awareness and improve the community response to women aged 50 and older who experience domestic, sexual or family violence, the Task Force does direct work with the four local city and counties and offers technical support statewide. Courtney works with multidisciplinary teams in three jurisdictions and does training statewide.  Some of the workshops she’s conducted locally have been on such topics as community partnerships, protective orders, and dynamics of domestic and sexual violence. Courtney holds a Master’s degree from Longwood University.